Refugiés ou pas, tous les enfants méritent une éducation
Photo de la semaine : les enfants du camp de réfugiés de Kiryandongo dans le nord de l'Ouganda et des millions d'autres enfants réfugiés ont besoin de soutien afin que leur éducation ne soit pas interrompue.
24 juin 2016 par Secrétariat du GPE
Lecture : 2 minutes
Des enfants réfugiés dans une classe du préprimaire dans le camp des réfugiés de Kiryandongo au nord de l'Ouganda. Crédit: GPE/Chantal Rigaud

De nombreux enfants accourent dans cette salle de classe de maternelle dans le camp de réfugiés de Kiryandongo, au nord de l'Ouganda. D'autres se pressent aux fenêtres ou à la porte pour essayer de suivre les leçons qui y sont dispensées.

La plupart d'entre eux sont des réfugiés qui ont fui la violence au Soudan du Sud voisin.

Ils font partie des 17 millions d'enfants en âge scolaire contraints à être des réfugiés ou des déplacés dans leur propre pays, à cause des conflits.

Le camp de Kiryandongo abrite aujourd'hui près de 50 000 réfugiés du Soudan du sud, une énorme augmentation par rapport aux 5 300 qu'il abritait en 2013.

Alors que se célébrait plus tôt cette semaine la Journée mondiale des réfugiés, il nous est rappelé que des millions d'enfants, à l'image de ceux sur cette photo, ont besoin de notre soutien afin que leur éducation ne soit pas interrompue, que leur vie, déjà assez perturbée, puisse conserver un semblant de normalité, et qu'ils puissent continuer à rêver d'un avenir meilleur pour eux-mêmes, leurs familles et leurs pays.

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We are now in Summer School on Higher Education in Emergencies, Geneva, discussing the issue of education in emergencies situation especially higher education. Most of the opinions are supporting the idea of making education accessible and sustainable for the situation. However, other ideas came up on what can be done to minimize or reduce the refugees rates? If we critically, looking into issue of the refugees in Northern Uganda from South Sudan, we can find that the cause was civil war that erupted between Government led by President Salva Kiir and the opposition group led by his First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar on December 2013, which was ended by the Peace Agreement of 2015, and had been implemented since April 2016 by formation of Transitional Government 11of National Unity (TGNU).
Another problem of Economic Crisis in the country has fueled up the situation and made the refugee camps to be best option for vulnerable people who have no ability to face the challenge. They migrated to neighboring countries like Sudan, which require more camps for settlement and other basic human rights to be met. I am for opinion of putting more focus on the causes of emergencies situations rather than solutions, if causes are minimized, it will reduce the rates of emergency situations and can be managed .

We are now in Summer School on Higher Education in Emergencies, Geneva, discussing the issue of education in emergencies situation especially higher education. Most of the opinions are supporting the idea of making education accessible and sustainable for the situation. However, other ideas came up on what can be done to minimize or reduce the refugees rates? If we critically, looking into issue of the refugees in Northern Uganda from South Sudan, we can find that the cause was civil war that erupted between Government led by President Salva Kiir and the opposition group led by his First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar on December 2013, which was ended by the Peace Agreement of 2015, and had been implemented since April 2016 by formation of Transitional Government 11of National Unity (TGNU).
Another problem of Economic Crisis in the country has fueled up the situation and made the refugee camps to be best option for vulnerable people who have no ability to face the challenge. They migrated to neighboring countries like Sudan, which require more camps for settlement and other basic human rights to be met. I am for opinion of putting more focus on the causes of emergencies situations rather than solutions, if causes are minimized, it will reduce the rates of emergency situations and can be managed .

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