Les 17 façons dont l’éducation influence les 17 nouveaux objectifs mondiaux
Les progrès ne seront réellement possibles que lorsque tous les enfants auront accès à un enseignement de qualité
31 juillet 2015 par Secrétariat du GPE
Lecture : 19 minutes

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J'ai lu tous ces articles concernant la pauvreté, l'inégalité, l'éducation qui manquent à tant de pauvres ! Il est urgent que les pouvoirs en place fassent preuve au moins d'humanité, de compréhension, et viennent en aide, tandis que les riches sont de plus en plus riches et les pauvres de plus en plus pauvres, ces personnalités qui mettent leurs profits à l'étranger pour ne pas payer d'impôts... Et la suite...

This is very nice sharing, thanks for that. :)

Incredible job and thanks for all the time and effort in putting this awesome piece together. The stats and examples support the goals and missions so well. And we at WyzAnt believe the same thing - education is more than just teaching and learning.

It's empowering, it's eye-opening, and it's teamwork. We definitely look forward to reading more, seeing the progress towards these goals, and if we're lucky, working with the Global Partnership in the future!

Education is the foundational brick for any advancement in society. Nice write-up; every world leader needs to read this daily

Après lecture et analyse je ne retrouve pas la Sécurité et la Sûreté.. qui devient de plus en plus une préoccupation mondiale...L'éducation doit aujourd'hui contribuer à améliorer ces deux aspects primordiaux.. Beaucoup d'enfants marginalisés et vulnérables sont facilement enrôlés ds des groupes armés par manque ou insuffisance de leur éducation.. Les projets et programmes, les partenaires doivent doivent en faire une autre priorité à travers le monde. Merci.

This article reads very well.

You have mentioned the main stats by giving examples on the issues and their solutions too. We all must get united and work for the elimination of such issues from different societies of the World.

Keep up the good work.

This is very useful and demonstrates clearly the role of education in each of these areas. Would it be possible to have a PDF version of this list? We would like to share with some of our trainees in our courses on educational planning and management.
Thank you!

Govt should come out of primary education & leave it to private sector.Govt with scarce resources can not enforce discipline in Teachers-School-Monitoring Authorities in rural primary schools.Govt should focus on Secondary & vocational education

Thank you so much for this most useful infographic: we will use it extensively to bring attention to the multiple positive social impacts of Quality education. We also need a striking definition for this key concept. Most official ones differ and are too long. We have put two in French are on our resource website, a summary and full text of the CONFEMEN one, and the 2013 text of UNICEF: http://www.graines-de-paix.org/fr/outils_de_paix/dictionnaire_pour_la_p…. The pages are going to be translated into English soon.

We strongly believe that peace culture education is the foundation of quality education and that quality education is n turn the foundation for a culture of peace.The culture of peace is indeed specified in SDG #16.2 and we hope that you'll also show the close relationship between the two key concepts.

This article makes a powerful argument for giving Quality, inclusive education the highest priority among these goals. I agree with the comment that every world leader needs to read this every day. I would add until it is totally demonstrated in the decisions they make.

This article makes a powerful argument for giving Quality, inclusive education the highest priority among these goals. I agree with the comment that every world leader needs to read this every day. I would add until it is totally demonstrated in the decisions they make.

This is an excellent presentation of an important aspect in development both human resources and natural resources. Throughot decades the vital role of education had been confined to traditional aspects forgetting that education should be the basis for every aspect in the world. Hence the value of bringing SDS and education in to focus . All the while in education specially so in the developing world was and is thought in terms of examinations and its relationship is not at all highlighted . connected to development.

The golden relationship should be part and parcel of curriculum development, teacher development, evaluations systems at all levels - primary to higher education. Lifelong education should encompass through NFE in education for adults. That the UN Conference on Climate is just over it would

be very desirable to make it mandatory for aall nations to introduce the above SDS initiatives not only in schools and educational institutes but also for all civil service training program mes. If all the above is achieve the aurvival of the world and human race will be extended by another millennium.

While I agree with the point this is trying to make, the truth of the matter is that the Education SDG itself is remarkably devoid of content on what good education is all about. It refuses to say anything about what needs to be taught, and while better than the MDG which really meant 'sitting in schools for all' it still makes the odd assumption that everyone knows and agrees on what a good quality education would look like and the learning skills it would cover! I presented a paper at the Oceania Comparative and International Education Society conference in Vanuatu in November where I argued the only way to achieve the SDGs is to use the other SDGs as content for the Education goal as it is so lacking in content. For example you say here that 'Education raises the odds that people will use energy and water more efficiently and recycle household waste, according to UNESCO' Why leave this up to chance? Why not teach that knowledge and skills of recycling as part of primary education? Similarly, asserting that women who have higher educational levels will have healthier children might be true from a statistical point of view, but many still die, why not make preventive health part of the curriculum and save lives? Community led total sanitation and renewable energy technology can provide valuable skills and excellent scientific knowledge to students Tim in secondary school and form the basis for understanding their own communities better, Timor-Leste is beginning to address this with the introduction of Permaculture gardens in each primary school and an associated curriculum which will link food growing with a range of school subjects in science and design. The sad fact is that too many school curricula were colonial creations and have not been re-contextualized for the independent countries. Surely the SDGs could be used to initiate a debate on exactly HOW education will make this contribution to the other goals.

En réponse à par Dr Helen M Hill

Dear Dr Helen, thanks for your comments. I work in education development and have wondered the same thing. Have you made any progress since you posted these comments or heard of a clearer definition? Many thanks
Phil Hawkins

ICT has immense power to improve the present condition of the World.


What a very well done and professional site you have here "globalpartnership".


Very resourceful and I really appreciate the piece of information.

Education as a tool for achieving the SDGs has been well demonstrated. Hopefully, additional efforts will be made to convince governments, with the support of UN System and donors, to allocate and release more resources to the education sector (formal and informal).

Keep sharing more such blogs with us.I really like your blogs very informative.

Great post! Thank you, you have explained it so nicely. You did a super job. all mentioned points are very helpful, especially Good Health & Quality education. I came across an NGO called Desh Apnayen that partners up with schools to conduct programs that give practical knowledge to children to help them become all-rounder & active citizens.

good one

Please upload pdf format to use the note for teaching

Everyone must read this one especially the leaders; they must do something to help the UN take action with their plans.

Very educative write up.
This has helped me submit a course to my University

This article is very informative and helpful. I love to receive from my email how education makes a nation great. I know educating the individual is educating the nation.
Thanks for the enlightenment.

We strive towards sustainable management in our business. We are committed to minimizing our use of natural resources, operating within the limits of available commodities and avoiding negative impacts on the environment.

Hey, we are casa india ngo thanks for the useful information and your motivation to stop child labor in India.

It is very usufull to our furture

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