On November 24-25, the African Union Commission, African First Ladies, CSOs, traditional leaders and multilateral partners convened in Accra, Ghana, for the 2nd African Girls Summit to End Child Marriage and Other Harmful Cultural Practices Against Girls under the theme “Enough with The Silence”. The event was preceded by a youth summit gathering hundreds of youth from across the continent.
GPE and FAWE brought an education perspective to the campaign and renewed strategic focus. The report “Educating Girls and Ending Child Marriage: A Priority for Africa” published by the World Bank and with financing from GPE, was presented at the Summit, stimulating debate on the drivers and impact of girls marrying early and the role of education.
The FAWE coalition and youth delegates actively engaged in the thematic discussions and shared their experiences on accessing youth-friendly reproductive health services, the role of young people in ending child marriage and including girls as decision-makers in issues that affect them.
Bonjour Team,
Je suis très content et intéressé de toutes vos initiatives car je suis un des jeunes très actif et coordonnateur d'une structure ou association sans but lucratif ASBL Gouvernement des jeunes agglutinés GOURVEJA pour l'encadrement,la formation, l'épanouissement de jeunes.
J'espère mieux parler avec vous par correspondance.