Felipe J. Hevia
Professor-researcher, CIESAS-Golfo
Felipe J. Hevia

Felipe J. Hevia, PhD in anthropology (CIESAS-DF), is a Professor-researcher at CIESAS-Golfo since 2009. Member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, and the National System of Researchers in Mexico. His research interests focus on political anthropology and educational research.

In 2022-2023 he was selected as an "Antonio Madero Visiting Scholar" at the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University. In 2018, he was a visiting professor at the University of Chile. In 2015 he received the Research Award in Social Sciences from the Mexican Academy of Sciences.

He has been co-coordinator of the MIA program since 2014 and is the author of several book publications and scientific articles. He has taught in graduate programs in Mexico, Chile and Brazil, and under his direction several bachelor, master and doctoral theses have been completed.