Myriam Jaafar
INEE Coordinator, Inclusive Education, The Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies
Myriam Jaafar

Myriam is an education in emergencies and inclusive education/disability inclusion professional with more than 13 years of experience in the contextualization and implementation of non-formal education programs for children, youth and adults.

In her previous roles, she worked on school retention support, early childhood development/education and basic literacy and numeracy programs that included social-emotional learning and life skills' components. Her work aimed at strengthening the capacity of professionals engaged in the education of refugee children and youth, particularly those with disabilities.

Myriam kicked off her career as a special educator in an inclusive school in Lebanon prior to working on non-formal education programs with local and international non-governmental organizations. She holds a Master’s degree in Educational Sciences – Orthopédagogie/Special Education with a focus on non-formal education programs from Saint Joseph University of Beirut. She speaks Arabic, French and English in addition to her basic knowledge of Spanish.