Rachel McKinney
Team lead for thematic areas, The Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies
Rachel McKinney

Rachel has 20 years of experience leading and supporting education programs in conflict, post-conflict and natural crisis settings in Western, Eastern and Southern Africa; the Balkans; the Caucasus; Southeast Asia; the Middle East; Southern Asia; and North America. Although trained in education, much of her professional work has focused on the shared space within and between education and child protection.

After working with several international non-governmental organizations and UN Agencies, Rachel joined The Alliance and INEE (the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies) in 2021 to support the Child Protection and Education in Emergencies Joint Initiative (CP-EiE). In this role, Rachel supported a range of work focused on increasing technical guidance, supporting advocacy and strengthening the value placed on integrated CP-EiE programming.

In her current role as Team Lead for Thematic Areas, she continues to support technical focus across the learning continuum, cross-cutting issues and as they are applied through a variety of modalities. The Thematic Team currently supports Inclusive Education, Gender, Child Protection in EiE, Psychosocial Support-Socia l-Emotional Learning, Early Childhood Development, Accelerated Learning and Distance Education. Rachel is based in Baltimore, Maryland.