This reports, which is part of the country’s education sector analysis, presents the results and findings of primary and secondary education sub-sector study, and related slides and handout ...
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Montre 13 - 21 de 21 résultats
The principal objective of this in-depth study of pre-school education sub-sector was to focus on the main indicators on the access and quality of pre-school education services, equality and ...
This report seeks to synthesize and analyze education outcomes with a view of identifying the main priorities for strengthening the education sector in support of Mongolia’s Sustainable ...
Mongolia’s Education sector medium-term development plan 2021-2030 aims to ensure holistic development of Mongolian citizens with competences to work and live in digital technology era, to ...
Appraisal of Education sector mid-term development plan 2021-2030 of the Government of Mongolia.
Endorsement letter of Mongolia's education sector mid-term development plan 2021-2030 by the education development partners.
Drawing from recently completed sub-sector studies, this report synthesizes and analyzes education outcomes with a view to identifying the main priorities for strengthening the education sector ...
Project appraisal document for a GPE grant of US$10 million to Mongolia to support the Early childhood education project.
Program document for an education sector development program to Mongolia. The program’s objective is to ensure universal completion of basic education and to close the gender gap and rural/urban ...