This brief contains data for Maldives against the indicators of the GPE 2025 Results Framework. The data was compiled by the GPE Secretariat as of September 2024.
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Montre 1 - 12 de 15 résultats
Program document for a GPE $3 million Multiplier grant to the Republic of Maldives as an additional financing to support Maldives' Atoll Education Development Project.
Program document for a system transformation grant to the Republic of Maldives to support the program titled: Operationalizing the Maldives Partnership Compact: Creating opportunities and ...
The ITAP assessment seeks to contribute to country policy dialogue on the partnership compact.
This Partnership Compact enumerates different actions currently being implemented by education partners in the education system of the Maldives to support progress in the agreed priority.
Endorsement letter of the political declaration and call to action on Domestic financing for education by His Excellency Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, President of the Republic of Maldives, ahead of ...
The project development objective is to promote learning focused curriculum implementation and strengthen the measurement of learning outcomes.
The development objective of the learning advancement and measurement project is to promote learning focused curriculum implementation and strengthen the measurement of learning outcomes.
Maldives' application for US$750,000 COVID-19 funding to minimize the loss of learning for students, while simultaneously preventing the spread of COVID-19 from schools into local communities.
La directrice générale, en vertu des pouvoirs qui lui sont délégués par le Conseil d’administration, approuve une allocation pour un financement de mise en oeuvre et un financement du fonds à ...
La directrice générale, en vertu des pouvoirs qui lui sont délégués par le Conseil d’administration, approuve une allocation pour un financement de mise en oeuvre et un financement du fonds à ...
Appraisal of Maldives’ Education Sector Plan running from 2019 through 2023.