Le rapport de synthèse résume les principales constatations et tire les conclusions de 8 évaluations prospectives de pays partenaires qui ont débuté et de 7 évaluations sommatives réalisées au ...
Consultez les documents politiques, guides, rapports et fiches d’information du GPE, des pays partenaires et tout autre document lié à nos financements.
Montre 25 - 35 de 35 résultats
Le présent rapport est le premier des deux rapports annuels qui seront développés dans le cadre de l'évaluation prospective du Partenariat mondial pour l'éducation en Éthiopie.
Le rapport de synthèse résume les principales constatations et tire les conclusions de 8 évaluations prospectives de pays partenaires qui ont débuté et de 7 évaluations sommatives réalisées au ...
This manual was compiled as part of the work completed by the School Health Integrated Program, and focuses on how to apply an integrated approach to implementing vision screening and deworming ...
The overall aim of the School Health Integrated Programming (SHIP) initiative is to create a foundation by which countries have the awareness, capacity, and operational and technical resources ...
Ethiopia recently adopted a strategy to end child marriage, and some of the projects being implemented in the country should contribute to reduce the practice child marriage. Still, more could ...
Pledge made by Ethiopia at the GPE Financing Conference in Dakar on February 2, 2018.
This note provides an analysis of gaps in educational opportunities for children with disabilities based on census data in 19 countries.
Ethiopia’s action plan details the costs of the planned activities, the components for the different programs, as well as establishes KPIs.
The education sector plan 2016-2020 focuses on addressing the four main challenges in Ethiopia's education system: increasing access, ensuring equity, improving quality, and improving management.
Ethiopia’s education sector joint review mission on textbook development, printing, distribution and utilization.