Completion report on the GPE US$20 million accelerated funding to Ethiopia to support the Comprehensive home-grown, inclusive, learning and development school feeding project (CHILD SFP) with ...
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Montre 1 - 12 de 35 résultats
This brief contains data for Ethiopia against the indicators of the GPE 2025 Results Framework. The data was compiled by the GPE Secretariat as of September 2024.
The program aims to support a strengthened, more inclusive and equitable schools and education system for accelerating girls’ education and improving learning outcomes for all children in ...
The ITAP assessment seeks to contribute to country policy dialogue on the partnership compact.
The purpose of this Partnership Compact is to mobilize coordinated financing for general education (pre-primary, primary, and secondary) in Ethiopia to achieve transformational change in the ...
Program document for a GPE $10 million accelerated funding to support the program titled: School feeding project for children in crisis-affected communities in Ethiopia (SFP-CCACE)
Ethiopia’s Education Sector Development Plan covering the 2020-2025 period (ESDP-6) is a detailed planning document that provides a comprehensive outlook of the roadmap that the country’s ...
Application for additional financing to Ethiopia to fund general education quality improvement program for equity for refugees integration.
Le Comité des financements et performances approuve un financement à effet multiplicateur en faveur de l’Éthiopie de 20 millions de dollars.
Le Comité des financements et performances approuve un financement à effet multiplicateur en faveur de l’Éthiopie de 20 millions de dollars.
The program document for a GPE education sector program implementation grant will finance a program that aims to improve internal efficiency, equitable access, and quality in general ...
The application for a GPE education sector program implementation grant will finance a program that aims to improve internal efficiency, equitable access, and quality in general ...