Gabriele Goettelmann
Gabriele Goettelmann

Gabriele Göttelmann holds a Ph D in Social and Economic Sciences (University of Frankfurt a. Main/ Germany) and Post-Graduate Diploma in European Studies (College of Europe/Belgium) and Public Policy Analysis (Institute for Political Studies, Grenoble/France). She has conducted research, training and operational activities in various areas of educational policy and planning, in particular teacher policies and management.

Her studies and publications relate in particular to education sector analysis and teacher management.

After her career as a Program Specialist and Head of Training Programs at the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning, Gabriele has worked as a consultant in education policy analysis and institutional capacity development.

Some of her recent publications and materials: Improving Teacher Support and Participation in Local Education Groups. Paris: UNESCO 2018 (co-author); The Quality of Training in Educational Planning – A Guide for self-assessment and evaluation. UNESCO Rabat Office. December 2018; Strengthening of Education Systems. (Discussion Paper for the German Agency of International Cooperation – GIZ). Paris: IIEP-UNESO.2012).