Janne Kjaersgaard Perrier

Education Specialist, GPE Secretariat

Janne Kjaersgaard Perrier is an Education Specialist within the Education, Policy and Learning Team of the Global Partnership for Education, where she leads on strengthening policy dialogue, mutual accountability mechanisms and systems strengthening. She has also worked for the country support team and the quality assurance team as a consultant. Janne has 18 years’ experience in international technical cooperation in the education sector. Previously, she worked for UNESCO, where she began as a DANIDA associate expert and acquired experience in the field and at HQ in different capacities. In her latest position with the UNESCO, Janne was in charge of the management of a pool-funded capacity development program, implemented in 15 countries. Over the years, Janne completed a range of analytical/drafting consultancy assignments, including for OECD’s Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, CIFF, and GPE. Janne holds an M.Sc. in Nonprofit Management and Organizational Learning, Northeastern University, Boston; a post-graduate diploma in Development Management, OU, UK, and an M.A, University of Southern Denmark.