Teacher associations can be involved in partnership compacts in several ways. In Sierra Leone, extensive national consultations were undertaken with teachers, administrators, students from teacher training institutions and teacher unions, to achieve the compact’s focus on foundations of learning for all.
In Comoros, where the compact focuses on leadership for equitable, inclusive and resilient schools, discussions were held with the teachers' union to solicit their inputs and generate interest as well as support for the prioritized reform.
In Tajikistan, teacher representatives were brought on board to the local education group as part of developing a compact and implementing the priority reform focused on competency-based learning.
It’s notable that many partnership compacts focus on teachers and quality teaching. For example, Tanzania’s compact has a strong attention on teacher workforce planning and management.
In Chad, the compact focuses on teacher mastery of content and pedagogy through improved training, ongoing support from principals and educational advisors, better teacher management (including recruitment, deployment and motivation) and more gender parity in the teaching force.
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the objective is to make the teaching profession more attractive through strengthening recruitment, professional development and improving the teaching environment.
While several countries are making efforts to include teachers in policy dialogue, for example through working groups addressing teacher issues, there is still progress to be made. GPE stands ready to support partner countries in this journey, ensuring that the voice of teachers is reflected and uplifted in delivering the education children need.
Read our full blog series on teachers and teaching