Innovative financing

GPE works to scale up financing for education through innovative instruments, helping partner countries get more children in school and learning.


US$4.7 billion
raised in additional financing for education
through the GPE Multiplier since 2018
for 52 countries and territories
US$850 million
mobilized through SmartEd
with the Arab Coordination Group
and the Islamic Development Bank

GPE in action

GPE Multiplier

The GPE Multiplier is an innovative finance instrument that catalyzes more and better investments in education. It works alongside other sources of external funding and can be invested as a grant or used to lower the interest rate on concessional lending from multilateral development banks or bilateral donors. It can also work alongside other, non-traditional sources of development finance, including private capital.

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Girls' Education Accelerator

The Girls' Education Accelerator is a $250 million fund to support projects in 30 GPE partner countries where girls are lagging furthest behind boys in access to school, have the highest rates of early marriage, or both.

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GPE Match

The GPE Match is a dollar-for-dollar matching mechanism that incentivizes new or expanded contributions from the business community and private foundations by doubling the impact of their investments in education, whether in cash or in-kind. GPE Match grants can be triggered through the GPE Multiplier or through the Girls' Education Accelerator.

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Debt2Ed transforms a partner country's debt repayment into new investments in education. Debt treatments can work either as a debt swap or as a loan buy-down. The Deb2Ed transaction unlocks additional funding from the GPE Multiplier, which increases the resources available for education in the partner country.

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SmartEd was developed by GPE, the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the Arab Coordination Group (ACG) to dramatically scale up education financing in the 37 member countries of the IsDB - representing more than one-third of GPE partner countries. The SmartEd portfolio will leverage $850 million from the IsDB and ACG members.

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