GPE’s Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Hub, led by the Research and Innovation Laboratory in Education for Latin America and the Caribbean (SUMMA) and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), is a space for knowledge exchange and mobilization, learning, synthesis and collaboration among educational leaders from Dominica, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and St. Lucia.
One of the ways in which SUMMA and the OECS support these countries is through the implementation of regional learning visits as an exchange mechanism to transform education systems.
Bridges to new opportunities and knowledge
Learning visits, where key education stakeholders from one country visit another country to observe and personally experience the implementation of innovative policies and practice in education, are more than academic trips.
This hands-on exposure provides a profound and contextualized understanding of how and why different education systems work, and is a powerful mechanism for knowledge sharing, innovation and strengthening ministries' capacities for evidence-based decision making.
During the preparation phase, participants and the host country team identify essential learning needs and challenges. Joint objectives are set, and priorities are defined. The KIX LAC Hub ensures that each participant has a counterpart in the country visited, fostering a deeper and more personalized knowledge exchange.
Participants visit educational facilities and observe the practical implementation of policies, meeting with policy implementers and interacting directly with beneficiaries, such as teachers and families. Exchange sessions are organized with experts and researchers in the field, where evidence is discussed, and key challenges are addressed.