GPE welcomes ambitious language of the G7 Trieste Declaration on Africa and financing for education
G7 education ministers meet in Trieste, Italy, with GPE CEO participation

G7 education ministers meet in Trieste, Italy, with participation of GPE CEO Laura Frigenti

G7 Italy

As the G7 Trieste Declaration states, education is an investment, not an expense. The urgency is clear: in low- and middle-income countries, 70% of 10-year-olds are unable to comprehend a simple story, threatening $21 trillion in future earnings. The situation is especially dire in Africa, where girls are often the most disadvantaged.

The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) considers the G7 Trieste Declaration on Education and its recommendations to be both ambitious and important. GPE thanks the Italian Presidency for broadening the scope of the G7 education debate to include external dimensions, particularly focusing on Africa, and for granting GPE the opportunity to contribute to this significant process.

GPE applauds the explicit recognition of the transformative power of education and the pivotal role of reforming education systems. We deeply appreciate the Italian Presidency's steadfast support, acknowledging that achieving education goals is impossible without substantial investment. Furthermore, we are encouraged by the strengthened language addressing school violence, emphasizing student-centered approaches and early learning, thereby reinforcing previous G7 commitments.

Transforming education systems to meet 21st century needs is essential to tackling the challenges highlighted in the Leaders' Communiqué, including climate change, economic instability and global conflicts. Increased funding for education is crucial to fulfilling existing promises and making tangible progress. We urge the G7 to deliver on these aspirations as stated in paragraph 22:

"In pursuing the goals noted above, recognizing the importance of investing more, more equitably and more effectively and efficiently in education as highlighted in the Transforming Education Summit Call to Action, we look forward to deepening and widening our cooperation, according to the lines discussed during this Ministers’ Meeting. Recalling previous G7 commitments, we will continue to encourage high-level educational discussion across the G7 countries.”

Building on the Leaders' Communiqué, the G7 Declaration on Education brings us closer to achieving meaningful change. We eagerly anticipate the pathway to the Gender Equality and Development ministerials, aiming to build on this political commitment to achieve concrete results in education financing, including ensuring a fully funded GPE.

GPE is committed to deepening and broadening the commitments to education financing and girls' education leading up to the next G7 Ministerial in Pescara and Matera. We also call on Canada to make global education a permanent item on the G7 agenda, driving change towards more peaceful, stable, and resilient societies.

Read the education ministers' declaration

G7 education ministers meet in Trieste, Italy, with GPE CEO participation

G7 education ministers meet in Trieste, Italy, with participation of GPE CEO Laura Frigenti

G7 Italy

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