Education Out Loud connects civil society and academia with four new Global Learning Partners
Education Out Loud (EOL) connects civil society and academia with four new Global Learning Partners

Washington, DC, October 18, 2024 - The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and Oxfam Denmark are thrilled to announce the addition of four new Global Learning Partners to support Education Out Loud (EOL), the world’s largest education advocacy fund.

These partners, selected through a competitive process launched in January 2024, will build upon the success of EOL's initial phase of collaboration with four research organizations between 2022-2024.

The newly selected Global Learning Partners are:

  1. Institute of Development Studies
  2. National Foundation for Educational Research
  3. Right to Education Initiative
  4. University of Minnesota

Learning Partners work on strategic research themes across the entire portfolio of Education Out Loud partners. They work to ensure that research-based findings contribute to the sharing of learning as a global public good.

“We're really excited to join EOL’s network of learning partners and to bring our extensive international education research expertise to the EOL initiative,” said Dr Katarzyna Kubacka of National Foundation for Educational Research.

Learning Partners also collaborate with a selection of Education Out Loud grantees, analyzing and aggregating experiences and best practices, distilling knowledge to be used by partners to improve work and program implementation.

“We look forward to collaborating with Education Out Loud over the next two years to help them strengthen their human rights approach,” said Delphine Dorsi of the Right to Education Initiative.

EOL’s learning agenda benefits the wider community of education stakeholders by contributing with insights, knowledge, and research on advocacy, policy influencing, and accountability, among other themes.

“Through our partnership with Education Out Loud, we aim to recognize and support civil society advocacy organizations so that they can influence education policies that affect millions of learners worldwide,” said Colin Anderson of the Institute of Development Studies.

EOL will coordinate the efforts of these new partners, aligning their work with other ongoing learning initiatives undertaken by EOL learning collaborators such as the Global Campaign for Education, Global Partnership for Education, and several regional learning partners.

This expansion of EOL's learning partnerships reflects EOL’s commitment to fostering a dynamic, knowledge-driven approach to education advocacy and policy influence on a global scale.

"Using an intersectional approach, we aim to create a learning and sharing space for integrating social inclusion and gender equality into educational policy and advocacy, both locally and globally," added Nancy Pellowski Wiger and Joan DeJaeghere, University of Minnesota.

About Education Out Loud

Working with organizations in more than 60 countries, Education Out Loud provides support for civil society to become active and influential in shaping education policy to better meet the needs of communities, especially the most marginalized.

Education Out Loud is a fund financed by GPE and managed by Oxfam Denmark. It aims to enhance civil society capacities to engage in education sector planning, policy dialogue and monitoring and to promote transparency and accountability of national education sector policy. Education Out Loud also seeks to create a stronger global and regional enabling environment for civil society advocacy and transparency efforts in education.

More information

Education Out Loud (EOL) connects civil society and academia with four new Global Learning Partners

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