A 3-step approach to system transformation
In supporting countries, GPE uses a 3-step approach to develop a country specific pathway to put system transformation into practice. As we pilot the approach with partners, we are adapting to different types of contexts, recognizing that one-size-fits-all is insufficiently sensitive to the dynamics, risks and opportunities that differ from country to country. Here are the three steps:
1. Assess and diagnose: At this stage, partners in the local education group, led by the ministry of education, review policy frameworks, sector performance, needs, gaps and existing evidence to identify the critical bottlenecks and priority reforms that have the potential to be truly transformational.
This process, during which GPE provides technical expertise, coordination support, and funding if requested, leads to a nuanced, context-sensitive analysis of the education system.
The analysis also includes an assessment of the country's performance under four enabling factors that we know are crucial to support system transformation: data and evidence; sector coordination; gender-responsive planning; and volume, equity and efficiency of domestic public expenditure on education.
2. Prioritize and align: The next stage consists of the development of a ‘partnership compact’, also led by the ministry of education, to align education actors, partners and technical and financial resources behind the prioritized reform, including the identification of key bottlenecks, proposed actions and how progress will be monitored.
The partnership compact is a new strategic tool in GPE 2025, to act as a stamen of shared intent and a tool to strengthen mutual accountability. Kenya, Tajikistan and El Salvador have already developed their compacts and we are learning from them and other pilot countries to adjust and share good practices with other countries.