Since joining GPE in 2006, Cambodia’s progress toward a stronger education system has been marked by many milestones.
By 2012, the country had achieved near universal primary education. In 2013, the Teacher Policy Action Plan was established to strengthen recruitment and performance, and the quality of teaching has since steadily improved. In 2015, Cambodia began a comprehensive revision of curricula for pre-primary to upper secondary education, which was completed in 2018.
Learning assessment results from 2016 showed that more than half of grade 6 students were proficient in Khmer language and mathematics. By 2021, however, learning levels had dropped, most likely due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the education system.
Evidence of learning loss along with other data has informed the development of Cambodia’s Partnership Compact (2023), which aligns partners and resources behind reforms to improve student learning.
GPE regularly assesses its support to understand the extent to which this results in positive change. Cambodia has participated in:
- a country-level evaluation of GPE support from 2014-2019
- the first phase of GPE's thematic and country-level evaluation covering 2023-2024.
How GPE’s partnership with Cambodia has improved education
GPE has helped Cambodia strengthen education sector planning.
In 2014, although the national planning cycle and GPE’s grant cycle did not occur at the same time, GPE still used its funding requirements as a lever to ensure Cambodia’s education sector plan 2014-2018 underwent quality assurance to ensure a credible plan endorsed by stakeholders.
In 2016, GPE funding supported Cambodia to conduct a Rapid Education Sector Analysis, covering trends in access, equity, quality and internal efficiency, which served as a critical evidence base for the sector plan midterm review.
The review led to consolidation of separate policies on equitable access to education and improving the quality of learning into one policy; an examination of student academic achievement; an update of policy implementation strategies; the realignment of progress indicators and targets with newly emerged country priorities for the education system; and further alignment with Sustainable Development Goal 4 by adding inclusion and lifelong learning to education policies.
In 2021, Cambodia began implementing its goals to transform the education system through an approach focused on accelerating progress, as outlined in GPE's Strategic Plan for 2021-2025.
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports led policy dialogue with stakeholders, including development partners, NGOs, civil society, school leadership, teacher representatives and the private sector, to identify barriers within the system to improving student learning and solutions to address them—further articulated in Cambodia's Partnership Compact.
The process helped establish consensus on prioritizing gender equality, quality learning and quality teaching.
GPE has strengthened an already inclusive education sector dialogue.
Cambodia has well-established mechanisms for education sector dialogue. The Joint Technical Working Group in Education was created in 2004 to enhance effectiveness and partnership among education stakeholders in support of implementing sector plans. The group is co-chaired by the education ministry and development partners.
Development partners also established an education sector working group, which meets monthly to promote coordination among donors and education NGOs. Civil society is represented in both groups through NGO Education Partnership, an umbrella organization of over 150 NGOs working in education.
The independent appraisal of the education sector plan for 2019-2023, as part of GPE's quality assurance process, helped focus sector dialogue and provided a space for development partners to agree on key issues and provide coordinated feedback to the ministry.
Additionally, education sector reviews conducted during GPE grant periods 2008-2011 and 2015-2017 provided a valuable forum for discussions between the ministry and development partners on progress and challenges.
Stakeholders interviewed for the first phase of GPE's thematic and country-level evaluation covering 2023-2024 noted that while Cambodia had strong mechanisms for sector dialogue, the partnership compact development process increased participation and coordination.
GPE has financed education expenditures where government funds alone would have been insufficient.
GPE funding covered a small proportion of the education sector plan from 2014 to 2018, but Cambodia highlighted the value of this targeted contribution in filling gaps related to the construction of preschools and providing scholarships at the primary level.
Additionally, GPE’s construction of 500 community-based preschools was seen as a model for low-cost, standardized construction, and was scaled up by the ministry.
GPE has supported Cambodia to acknowledge gaps in gender equality.
Cambodia conducted analysis to support the development of its partnership compact and identified challenges to achieving gender equality, including gender imbalance in secondary education: boys have lower learning levels than girls and are more likely to drop out of school.
Meanwhile, girls have lower enrollment rates in technical education, and women hold a low proportion of leadership roles within the education sector. The analysis enabled the education ministry to pinpoint issues that have the potential to enhance gender-responsive planning and increase gender parity in education.
Activities supported by GPE include diagnostics on factors affecting boys' achievement and retention as well as student retention in secondary education. These will inform the development of the next Gender Mainstreaming Strategic Plan and identify urgent interventions at school, sub-national and central levels to prevent dropout and motivate students to continue in school.