New teaching and learning materials to transform education in Tajikistan
October 15, 2024 by UNICEF Tajikistan |
4 minutes read

Tajikistan introduced a competency-based education curriculum in 2015, aiming to transition to a holistic, student-centered approach to education. Developing new teaching and learning materials is key to making this vision a reality.

Tajikistan’s competency-based education (CBE) reform aims to transform the country’s education system in order to foster students’ development of higher-level cognitive ability and 21st-century skills.

Ensuring teaching and learning materials align with CBE and international standards is one of many steps the Ministry of Education is taking to implement the reform, as explained in Tajikistan's Partnership Compact.

With funding from GPE and the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), and technical support from UNICEF, the Ministry of Education has revised the teaching and learning materials for grade 5 Tajik language and math. Student workbooks, textbooks and teaching guides were piloted in 30 schools, and final materials will be ready for system-wide distribution by mid-2025.

This work, initiated through GPE support, lays the foundation for larger education reforms to promote CBE, including revising materials for other grade 5 subjects and for grades 6-11. Revision of primary education materials (grades 1-4) is being carried out simultaneously with the support of USAID.

Reimagining textbooks to inspire children to learn better

“The newly developed teaching and learning materials for mathematics and Tajik language are attractive and interesting. Our teachers are making lessons more interactive and engaging. I especially appreciate how we are encouraged to apply our learning to everyday situations. It's challenging, yet fascinating.”

Student from pilot school 8, Vakhsh district, Khatlon region

Aligned with the four pillars of CBE, the new materials are student centered, personalized, relatable and development oriented. They aim to accommodate different learning needs and foster academic excellence, and they incorporate cultural and linguistic elements relevant to Tajikistan.

The materials are meant to actively engage students in the learning process and support the development of their competencies. The traditional content-heavy textbook is seen as incompatible with these goals.

Developing the new set of materials has required a clear understanding and redefinition of the traditional school “textbook” among all stakeholders to ensure alignment with the CBE approach.

Teaching and learning materials for Tajik language and math developed for Tajikistan’s competency-based education curriculum. Credit: Ministry of Education, Tajikistan
Teaching and learning materials for Tajik language and math developed for Tajikistan’s competency-based education curriculum.
Ministry of Education, Tajikistan

Making Tajik language and math more engaging for school-children

Engaging content in teaching and learning materials can spark curiosity and interest in students, which is particularly important for subjects that students may find challenging or less appealing. Engaged students are more likely to participate in the learning process and retain information better.

The new Tajik language and math materials have been designed to not only impart knowledge but also to develop critical thinking skills and allow for self-directed learning. This is particularly beneficial in situations where teacher guidance is limited, and students can rely on clear explanations, examples and practice exercises to learn independently.

The materials serve as an important resource for teachers, providing them with a structured curriculum and effective teaching strategies. This support is essential for ensuring that teachers can deliver lessons confidently and effectively.

Students use new workbooks during the pilot phase of revised teaching and learning materials for grade 5 Tajik language and math. Credit: Republican Teacher Methodological Centre (RTMC) Mentor
Students use new workbooks during the pilot phase of revised teaching and learning materials for grade 5 Tajik language and math.
Republican Teacher Methodological Centre (RTMC) Mentor

Piloting and refining the new teaching and learning materials

“The introduction of the Competency Progression Model in the newly developed educational materials for mathematics and Tajik language positively influence the student learning process. This is because the teacher, employing a student-centered step-by-step design model, utilizes effective techniques to engage the students’ minds, thereby connecting the subject matter to real-life applications.”

Alimardonov Safarmuhammad, Mentor for Tajik language for the Khatlon region

The new materials include resources that involve students in discovery and problem solving, support competency development through a problem-based approach, and guide teachers in delivering student-centered lessons.

Two formats for student materials have been piloted: a workbook that encourages active participation of learners but is not reusable, and a more traditional textbook that requires students to use separate notebooks, which is more cost-effective but might slow down learning activities.

Teacher materials include a guide offering methodological support and a supplement with additional resources for practice, aiming to facilitate a shift from a teacher-led rote learning style to a more interactive and student-focused classroom environment.

Trialing approaches is key for system transformation

Testing of the various models of the new teaching and learning materials has provided valuable feedback for refinement of the methodology.

Observations of teachers using the materials in schools were carried out over the course of an academic year to inform material development and give feedback to teachers delivering competency-based instruction. As a result of the observations, materials were revised with portions of lessons rewritten for greater clarity or a more appropriate level of difficulty.

Teachers’ pedagogical approaches were seen to improve with feedback, and teachers’ misunderstandings and difficulties were recorded to inform the design of teacher professional development.

Testing of the new teaching and learning materials represents a significant step towards implementing a more effective and engaging learning environment.

Development of the new materials has been supported as part of a GPE Multiplier grant of US$10 million for 2020-2024, with co-financing of $30 million from IsDB and $6 million from the government of Tajikistan.

The government and partners will further strengthen and expand the CBE reform by revising materials for other grades from 2024-2028.

A GPE system transformation grant of $10 million and a new GPE Multiplier grant of $15 million with co-financing of $45 million from IsDB, $8 million from the OPEC Fund for International Development, $8 million from the government of Tajikistan, and technical support from UNICEF demonstrates the ongoing commitment of partners to CBE reform in Tajikistan.

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