Learning from gender-sensitive evaluations and adapting for gender equality
GPE’s new evaluation policy requires that all evaluations examine whether and how the partnership’s interventions, programs and policies support or otherwise affect gender equality, equity and inclusion. The composition of evaluation teams also must be gender sensitive.
A thematic evaluation entirely focused on gender equality will be commissioned as part of GPE 2025. Its objective will be to examine the relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of GPE contributions (financing and other) to gender equality.
The evaluation will also cover sector achievements in gender equality, transformations and innovations in this area. Using a cross-country approach, the evaluation will identify the factors that facilitated or hindered the design and implementation of the interventions, programs and policies targeting gender equality.
Tracking and reporting progress and results
The 2025 partnership-wide results framework tracks gender-related indicators and continues to require that all people-level indicators be disaggregated by sex and other subgroups.
The results framework also tracks the effects of the levers from the new GPE model on sector-level progress on gender equality outcomes. The list of outcomes has been expanded to go beyond parity in access and now includes the proportion of young women married or in a union by age 18, an important reflection of social norms adverse to girls’ education and their overall well-being.
Finally, building on the results framework data and other GPE monitoring and evaluation sources, our annual results report provides analyses of GPE achievements and opportunities for improvement in the partnership’s priority areas, including gender and equity.
The report particularly focuses on differential results by gender and other underserved or disadvantaged subgroups.
With these comprehensive monitoring and evaluation tools and approaches, we hope not only to support evidence-based learning regarding gender, equality and inclusion across the partnership but also to contribute to their advancement.