Girls’ education takes center stage in London
Photo of the week: in London at the Girls' Education Forum, Justine Greening and Julia Gillard announced more support for girls' education in the poorest countries.
July 08, 2016 by GPE Secretariat
2 minutes read
Justine Greening and Julia Gillard at the Girls’ Education Forum 2016 in London. Credit: GPE/David Bridges

Yesterday in London, girls’ education was front and center during the 2016 Girls’ Education Forum hosted by the UK Department for International Development, with support from Global Citizen and Chime for Change.

Justine Greening, UK’s Secretary of State for International Development, hosted the event, and Julia Gillard, GPE Board Chair, participated in debates and discussions throughout the day.

At the Forum, the UK announced it will help 175,000 girls in the world’s poorest countries get an education with £100 million from the Girls’ Education Challenge. The fund helps girls who have dropped out or never attended school due to family crises, poverty, or early marriage and pregnancy.

The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) and GPE announced US$17 million to support the education of adolescent girls in developing countries. The funding will be results-based in that payments will reward improvements in girls’ education outcomes.

The commitments by DFID, CIFF and GPE support our strong belief that educated girls can change the world. We are glad to work alongside our partners to make education a reality for more and more girls.

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This is a human gesture worth emulating, there are millions of girls who for one reason or another have called it quit with school and we can only reverse the trend with a serious collaboration with educational development partners of which GPE is at fore front. Lifting the lives and prospect of 175,000 girls in poor countries will impact the standard of living in the entire community. We thank CIFF for showing concern , this wonderful gesture will help these girls to realize their dreams and make it a reality .

I am very much inspired with the work Global Partnership for Education is doing. And I come from Papua New Guinea where I believe that if we educate a women she will make a big differences in her family because she will take good care of herself, her family and her community. With that if I can get the contact of CEO, Director and see if there is a opportunity to work together to empower this women in PNG.

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