Everything you always wanted to know about SDG 4 indicators… but didn’t know who or how to ask!
New tools by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics aim to promote a better understanding of the production and use of SDG 4 data among stakeholders.
July 11, 2018 by Silvia Montoya, UNESCO Institute for Statistics
4 minutes read
A young student in the Central African Republic is patiently waiting for her teacher to announce the answer to a question in math class. Credit: UNICEF/KIM
A young student in the Central African Republic is patiently waiting for her teacher to announce the answer to a question in math class.


This blog was cross-published by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and Norrag

One constant dilemma for researchers and statisticians is how to translate intricate technical processes, often emerging from intense scrutiny and discussion, into measures that are comprehensible and actionable for those who were not part of those discussions from the beginning.

What seems clear to those involved may seem baffling to those who have are coming to it for the first time. This holds true for monitoring progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) on education, which calls for a quality education for every child, right through primary and secondary education, by 2030.

Making sense of SDG 4 indicators

So much is being demanded of stakeholders across the global education community. They are expected to monitor progress on a range of new indicators related to the quality of education on offer, as well as monitoring school access, enrollment and completion.

A monitoring framework is in place, but those who have not been at the table from the outset could be forgiven for feeling a little overwhelmed by its complexity and intricacy. Where do national statisticians start? Which indicators are ‘compulsory’ when it comes to reporting? Who do they report to? Do they prioritize the data needed for global monitoring of progress, or the local data needed to inform national education priorities?

At the same time, they could also be wary of setting off on the wrong track. With a 2030 deadline for the achievement of SDG 4, there is simply no time for any false starts.

New tools from UIS to help with SDG 4 data

Fortunately, help is at hand. As the custodian UN agency for data on SDG 4, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is mandated to produce not only the data, but also products to help users get the job done, recognizing that different users have very different needs. In this vein, the UIS is launching four easy-to-use statistical publications and data tools for stakeholders.

Quick guide for education indicators for SDG 4

The Quick Guide to Education Indicators for SDG 4 describes the process of developing and producing the global monitoring indicators while explaining how they can be interpreted and used. This is a hands-on, step-by-step guide for anyone who is working on gathering or analyzing education data.

SDG 4 Data Book

The SDG 4 Data Book: Global Education Indicators 2018 ensures that readers have the latest available data for the global monitoring indicators at their fingertips, and will be regularly updated.

SDG 4 Data Explorer

The SDG 4 Data Explorer displays data by country, region or year; by data source; and by sex, location and wealth. It allows users to explore the measures of equality that are crucial for the achievement of SDG 4.

SDG 4 Data

SDG 4 Data "Cheat Sheet" presents a snapshot of the concept and data sources used to produce the global monitoring indicators.

These tools aim to promote a better understanding of the production and use of SDG 4 data among stakeholders. Together, they will allow stakeholders to know who produces the data, how the indicators are developed, where to find the data, and – most importantly – how to use the information.

The Quick Guide to Education Indicators for SDG 4 and the Data Book are being launched today at the first of a series of lunch seminars organized by NORRAG, which aim to give members of the global education community a chance to become more familiar with – and get a head start on – on monitoring SDG 4 targets, whether at the global, regional or national level.

The seminars, for staff from international organizations, NGOs and individuals involved with the SDG Agenda, will share the most recent information about the SDG 4 monitoring framework and agenda, as well as tools and practical examples on finding and producing SDG 4 indicators. This will be a unique opportunity for international organizations, NGOs and individuals to engage with the UIS as the lead organization in developing and disseminating SDG 4 global monitoring indicators. The events will be livestreamed at https://rebrand.ly/sdg4dataweek.

Armed with the knowledge and the tools provided by the UIS, we hope to overcome the dilemma of translating methodologies into tangible action, with stakeholders sure of their direction, and on the right track.

The UIS will publish a series of blogs over the coming months to highlight the key content from these new resources, and invites feedback and commentary from all interested readers.

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c'est avec une grande joie de vous exprimer mes sentiments distingués vis à vis de vos efforts déployés pour l’éducation et dans ce sens je vous demande de m'envoyer les guides concernant les indicateurs des ODD4 et en tant qu’inspecteur principal de planification de l’éducation et chef de service des affaires administratives et financières je m’intéresse à tous qui améliore la gouvernance éducative.

In reply to by daoui ahmed

Les guides en français seront disponibles sous peu. Veuillez contacter les collègues de l'ISU directement pour en obtenir des copies. Merci

Est ce que je pourrais avoir les guides sur les indicateurs des ODD4 en français.

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