Over the same period, GPE’s implementation grants distributed 169 million textbooks, trained 1.9 million teachers and constructed or rehabilitated 36,135 classrooms. The results achieved in the 3.5 years of GPE 2025 thus far have already exceeded the numbers achieved in the full implementation period of the previous strategy, GPE 2020 (2016-2020).
An area for improvement going forward is to create more standardized measurement of student learning results in GPE-funded programs that would allow us to assess the impact of our grants more consistently.
Priorities for the way forward to transform education
As GPE heads toward its next strategy, improving data on children’s learning remains an important opportunity. The world has 1.6 billion primary- and secondary-school-age children; for about 680 million of them, most of whom live in GPE partner countries, how much they learn is unknown.
The COVID-19 pandemic made it difficult for partner countries to administer learning assessments. Consequently, the number of learning assessments in partner countries declined from 55 in 2019 to only 5 in 2022.
Nevertheless, 63 partner countries conducted large-scale assessments between 2015 and 2022, but only half of these countries reported any learning data to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). Data quality and comparability issues prevented the remaining partner countries from reporting.
Although all partnership compacts and most GPE grants already include measures to improve learning assessments, there is a need for continued technical and financial support for learning assessment systems, and the use of the learning data they produce to sustain them beyond the life of externally funded programs.
There’s also an opportunity to improve international reporting by incentivizing the harmonization and alignment of learning assessments to international standards.
These findings from the results report are shared with the partnership as part of GPE’s broader commitment to learning from evidence and accelerating progress toward quality education for every child.