Mauritania has improved access to education, but 30% of children are still out of school. Those facing the greatest barriers to education include children in rural areas, from poor families, with disabilities, and girls. For children in school, learning is lagging: in 2022, only 35% of grade 4 students had attained basic skills in reading and 7% in math.
Mauritania’s Partnership Compact, aligned with the national education sector plan for 2023-2030, marks the country’s commitment to achieve large-scale change that enables all children to access quality education.
The government is working with GPE and other partners to improve teachers' qualifications and competences for an efficient and equitable education system.
Building on recent reforms, Mauritania aims to strengthen teachers' initial training and continuous professional development. Teachers' skills will be strengthened, and they will be supported to respond to students' learning difficulties and specific needs.
Efforts to improve the teaching and learning environment include more effective and equitable resource allocation through better system management at the regional level. Engaging community and parents in education is expected to enhance management at the school level.