As a global fund and partnership, GPE works with partners and networks of all types around the world, in education and other sectors, to multiply our collective action and give every girl and boy the opportunity to receive quality education.
African Union
GPE is a member of the AU Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) Cluster.
Climate change
GPE is part of the Greening Education Partnership led by UNESCO, a global initiative that takes a whole-of-system approach to support countries to tackle climate crisis by harnessing the critical role of education. GPE also supports the Declaration on the Common Agenda for Education and Climate Change.
- Learn more on GPE's work on climate-smart education
Education financing
Core to GPE's work and mandate is a commitment to domestic financing.
- Heads of State Declaration on education financing – July 2021
Signed by 21 heads of state - GPE Education Ministers call for education aid financing reform – April 2023
Signed by education ministers representing 86 GPE partner countries
Foundational learning
GPE is a member of the Coalition for Foundational Learning and has endorsed the group's global commitment to action on foundational learning.
- Learn more on GPE's work on early learning, learning and quality teaching
Gender equality
GPE is a member of several networks that promote gender equality in and through education, including:
- The African Union's Harmful Practices Unit Technical Working Group
- UNGEI: United Nations Girls' Education Initiative: UNGEI members are united by a shared commitment to advancing gender equality in and through education through collective action.
- Global Platform for Gender Equality and Girls' and Women's Empowerment in and through Education: The Global Platform aims to drive transformative leadership, accountability, innovation, data and financing to advance gender equality and girls' and women's empowerment in and through education.
Global education architecture
- SDG 4 Education 2030 High-level Steering Committee: GPE sits on the HLSC, which aims to speed countries' progress towards SDG 4. Its membership is representative of the global education community, with a ‘Leaders Group' of 28 ministers, heads of agency and organizational leaders, and a corresponding ‘Sherpa Group' of senior technical representatives.
- Asia Pacific Regional Network Group on Learning and Education 2030+ (LE2030+): Co-chaired by UNESCO (Bangkok) and UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO) and Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA).
Inclusive education
GPE co-chairs the inclusive education working group of the Global Action on Disability (GLAD) Network, a coordination body of bilateral and multilateral donors and agencies working to enhance the inclusion of persons with disabilities in international development and humanitarian action.
- Learn more about GPE's work on inclusive education
Nutrition and school meals
GPE is a partner in the School Meals Coalition, which strives to improve and scale up school meal programs to give every child a healthy and nutritious meal in school by 2030.
Refugee education
GPE is part of the multilateral pledge for refugee-inclusive education (Geneva, December 2023). GPE is also a member of the Geneva Hub for Education in Emergencies and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE).
School violence
GPE is a founding member of Safe to Learn, a global initiative working to end all forms of violence against children in and through schools. GPE has endorsed the Safe to Learn Call to Action.
GPE is also a member of the Global Working Group to End School-related gender-based Violence, a network committed to working collaboratively to tackle the root causes and drivers of gender-based violence in and around schools. The network is co-convened by UNGEI and UNESCO.
Technology for education
- GPE co-chairs the Global Reference Group on Technology for Education, bringing together a diverse set of members with varying expertise and perspectives in education and technology.
- GPE is a member in the Global Education and Innovation Alliance launched by the Republic of Korea. The alliance is a global, multi-stakeholder collaborative initiative to guide the independent, innovative and responsive adoption of digital technologies in education.
- GPE is a member of UNESCO's Digital Transformation Collaborative (DTC), an initiative aimed at guiding the integration of digital technologies into education systems worldwide. GPE, together with ITU, UNESCO, UNICEF and public-private partners of DTC launched a Common Framework on Digital Transformation for Education, aimed at ensuring that digital tools and resources enhance learning outcomes and promote educational equity.