Washington, November 21, 2016 – The United States has increased its 2016 contribution to the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) by US$25 million to US$70 million, the highest ever annual contribution received from the United States.
“We are most thankful for the strong support from the US, and our close partner USAID, for their increased financial support in 2016,” said Alice Albright, CEO of the Global Partnership for Education. “The additional contribution will help us immensely to address our financing challenges and we are looking forward to continuing our close collaboration with USAID.”
At the 2014 GPE replenishment conference, the United States pledged US$90 million for the period 2015 to 2018. With the increased 2016 contribution, the total amount for this period is now at US$155 million.
The United States joined GPE in 2009 as a donor partner and since then has contributed almost US$200 million to GPE. The US shares a GPE Board constituency seat with Australia, Japan and Korea. The United States is also an active member of the Board's Strategy and Policy Committee and has contributed to the development of GPE’s results-based funding model. USAID serves as coordinating agency in a number of countries and is an active member of the sector’s local education group in more than 40 countries.