Statement on the release of the Independent Interim Evaluation

The Global Partnership for Education welcomes the valuable findings of the Independent Interim Evaluation. The Independent Evaluation, commissioned by the GPE Board of Directors in March 2014, was overseen and quality assured by the GPE Independent Evaluation Committee, chaired by Professor Pauline Rose.

Julia Gillard, Board Chair of the Global Partnership for Education, Joseph Nhan-O’Reilly, Chair of the Board’s Strategy and Policy Committee and Alice Albright, Chief Executive Officer of the Secretariat of the Global Partnership extend their sincere thanks to the Evaluation Committee for a successful and productive process.

The main question explored by the Independent Evaluation was how organizational changes that the Global Partnership has undertaken since 2010 have improved its relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency.

The evaluation finds that significant reforms since 2010 have strengthened the Global Partnership both operationally and strategically. The evaluation further recommends that the Global Partnership ensures that its ambitious mission corresponds to its financing base.

The findings of the evaluation will be carefully reviewed and will form an important input into the deliberations of the Board of Directors on the new strategic plan of the Global Partnership.

The Global Partnership is currently preparing a strategic plan for 2016-2020 which is aligned with the new sustainable development goal for education featuring a strengthened operational platform with stronger support to national systems, a partnership-wide results framework, increased fundraising efforts for the GPE fund and advocacy for significantly increased international funding for education.

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