Statement by the Board of Directors on the Fatal Attack on a College in Nigeria

The Board of Directors of the Global Partnership for Education during its meeting in Washington, D.C. on February 26, 2014:

  • Condemned the fatal attack on the Federal Government College of Buni Yadi in Yobe State in eastern Nigeria.
  • Noted with concern that attacks on education occur globally and that the latest comprehensive survey of attacks on education documents a growth in their number and impact.
  • Asked the Board’s Strategy and Policy Committee to explore how the Global Partnership for Education as a partner of the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack can play a role in supporting global efforts to prevent violent attacks on education and improve protection, including by:
    • highlighting the incidence and impact of attacks on education in conflict and insecurity among key actors and cultivate public support for safe education.
    • promoting better systems for monitoring and reporting attacks on education
    • promoting effective programs and policy to protect education from attack, including prevention and response.
    • advocating adherence to existing international law protecting education and the strengthening of international norms and standards as needed; and
    • supporting efforts to end impunity for attacks on education by promoting and promoting a range of accountability measures.

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