The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is pleased to announce a new call for expressions of interest, to select a grant agent for its new Advocacy and Social Accountability (ASA) and Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) funding mechanisms proposed by GPE’s financing and funding framework (FFF).
GPE operates through its partners to deliver funding on the ground, and is therefore looking for grant agents to manage a portfolio of grants for both these mechanisms. Prospective grant agents will support grant design, provide fiduciary oversight, monitoring, quality assurance and reporting on grants, and offer technical support, as appropriate to the contextual needs and purpose of the specific grant or portfolio of grants.
The ASA mechanism aims to enhance civil society capacity to further GPE 2020 goals in learning, equity, and stronger systems by improving their participation, advocacy, and efforts to ensure transparency and increased effectiveness in national educational policy and implementation processes. ASA will operate through three components, which will deliver support for national civil society coalitions (Civil Society Education Fund successor), social accountability grants and transnational advocacy grants. For ASA, GPE will select up to three grant agents to manage the grant portfolio. Grant agents will also be expected to manage the call for proposals processes and support the successful achievement of the ASA mechanism’s goals and objectives.
For more information:
- Notice of expression of interest for prospective grant agents for ASA
- Terms of reference for prospective grant agents for ASA
The KIX mechanism aims to improve capacity of developing country partners to create and use knowledge, evidence and policy innovation to strengthen their national education systems, accelerating the achievement of GPE 2020 goals in learning, equity and strengthened systems. It will do so through two operational components, a Learning Exchange platform to curate and share knowledge and innovation across the partnership, and Knowledge and Innovation Funding windows for investing in the development of global public goods, such as new tools, approaches, research and innovation pilots, knowledge sharing and capacity building activities, that will lead to improved national policies and practices in six areas around knowledge and innovation: early childhood care and education, gender equality, strengthening learning assessments, strengthening data systems, teaching and learning, and equity and inclusion.
For KIX, GPE will select a single grant agent to manage the grant portfolio. In addition, the grant agent will be expected to work with the Secretariat to ensure integration of all KIX activities into a holistic design, ensuring strong linkages to the Learning Exchange.
- Notice of expression of interest for prospective grant agents for KIX
- Terms of reference for prospective grant agents for KIX
A primary indication of interest for both mechanisms is due no later than Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at 17h00 Eastern Time, and full applications are due no later than Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at 17h00 Eastern Time.