GPE condemns attack on school in northern Afghanistan

Washington D.C., December 1, 2022 - The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) condemns the violent attack on a school in northern Afghanistan yesterday, reportedly killing at least 17 people and injuring 26. Most of the victims are children.

Attacks against children and education facilities are unacceptable. Children caught up in conflict must never be targeted. My deepest condolences go out to the victims, their families and all those affected by this horrific incident.

Issuing this statement on my very first day as CEO of the Global Partnership for Education is an alarming reminder of how vulnerable children and education are to violence – one among countless barriers that children in Afghanistan must courageously overcome to access education.

Schools must always be protected and provide a safe environment for children to learn. In Afghanistan, attacks on schools involving explosive weapons have killed or injured hundreds of students in the past two years alone.

Working closely with our partners, GPE remains committed to supporting a quality education for all children in Afghanistan.


About the Global Partnership for Education (GPE)

GPE is a shared commitment to ending the world’s learning crisis. We mobilize partners and funds to support over 80 lower-income countries to transform their education systems so that every girl and boy can get the quality education they need to unlock their full potential and contribute to building a better world.


Tamara Kummer, GPE Head of Communications, +33 7 82 26 07 18, @email

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