Girls must not be left behind as secondary schools reopen in Afghanistan
A girl at the blackboard in school in Afghanistan. 2014. GPE/Jawad Jalali

Statement by Alice Albright, CEO of the Global Partnership for Education

As secondary schools reopen across Afghanistan, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) remains deeply concerned that girls may not be able to return to the classroom. All girls, including those at secondary level, must not be shut out of school or face delays in resuming their education. The right to a quality education for all children in Afghanistan – especially girls – must be safeguarded.

Afghanistan has made significant progress on school enrollment, increasing the number of children enrolled nine-fold in the past 20 years. Girls have accounted for an increasing number of new students. Since 2011, GPE has invested more than $200 million to help establish new schools, train teachers and boost enrollment.

These essential gains must be protected. Providing an equal chance to learn for all girls and boys is critical to building a stable future for Afghanistan.

A girl at the blackboard in school in Afghanistan. 2014. GPE/Jawad Jalali

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