Education in Viet Nam is on target to achieve 2030 goals
Primary school students in Escuela Nueva model in Vietnam. Credit: GPE/Koli Banik

A recent report by the ministry of education in Viet Nam shows that the current rate of literacy between the ages of 15 and 60 is close to 98%, reaching the target set for 2020. 

In 2018, Viet Nam’s two major universities made the list of top 1,000 most reputable universities worldwide. A student-centered model of learning and teaching (VNEN), worth about US$84.6 million and funded by GPE, was deployed in 2,300 primary schools and 1,000 secondary schools between 2013 and 2016. The government encouraged schools to continue applying the model after the project ended. 

The country is currently investing 20% of annual state budget into the education and training sector, and this sum has increased by US$4.02 billion during the past five years. Education in Viet Nam has also benefitted from the transfer of new technologies in teaching, learning and management, which has enabled the sector to thrive. 

Read the article on VietnamNet

Primary school students in Escuela Nueva model in Vietnam. Credit: GPE/Koli Banik

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