Education Sector Plan Development Grant for Cambodia. July 2016
Three young girls from primary school Cambodia. Credit: GPE/Livia Barton

July 20, 2016 – The Global Partnership for Education Secretariat approved the following grant:

Global Partnership for Education Approves US$61,945 Grant for Cambodia to Develop a Rapid Education Sector Analysis

Amount: US$61,945

Project Description: The Education Sector Plan Development Grant will allow Cambodia to develop a rapid education sector analysis. UNICEF, a key partner of the Global Partnership for Education, has been nominated by the local education group to be the grant agent on behalf of the Government of Cambodia.

Education Sector Plan Development Grants from the Global Partnership for Education are intended to help countries perform strategic, consultative and analytical work to develop or revise their sector plan. Of the maximum grant amount of US$500,000, US$250,000 is reserved for education sector analysis, and the remainder for additional studies or to develop the sector plan.

Three young girls from primary school Cambodia. Credit: GPE/Livia Barton

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