Dates of the Global Education Summit: Financing GPE 2021-2025
Raise your hand

The Global Education Summit: Financing GPE 2021-2025, the culmination of GPE’s “Raise Your Hand” financing campaign, will take place in London on July 28 and 29, 2021.

The co-hosts of the campaign are United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta.

GPE aims to raise at least US$5 billion over five years to support education systems in up to 90 countries and territories, where 80% of the world’s out-of-school children live.

At least $5 billion investment in GPE over five years will help:

  • enable 175 million girls and boys to learn
  • reach 140 million students with professionally trained teachers
  • get 88 million more children, including 46 million more girls, in school
  • save $16 billion through more efficient education spending.

Further details about the summit will be available in the coming weeks.

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