Ten grant applications have been shortlisted by Education Out Loud to support transnational civil society alliances in carrying out innovative multi-country advocacy. Shortlisted applicants will spend up to four months to develop a full proposal, which will be reviewed and approved before the end of the year.
Following a competitive call for proposals launched in December 2019, 109 applications were received from civil society alliances working in 33 of GPE’s 68 partner countries. Applications are focused on thematic areas including inclusive education, education equality, early childhood development and education financing and were reviewed by independent panels comprised of technical experts with expertise in gender, human rights, program management, research, advocacy and capacity building.
The shortlisted applicants will work with Oxfam IBIS to develop a full proposal that identifies strategic work areas from their alliance to improve accountability in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disrupted education systems and left hundreds of millions of children out of school.
Following another round of competitive assessment, selected grantees will be provided with up to US$1.2 million in funding to implement their projects between 2020-2023. Another call for proposals for transnational advocacy was launched in early July.
Implemented by Oxfam IBIS, with a total allocation of US$55.5 million from the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), Education Out Loud is the world’s largest fund dedicated to supporting civil society’s role in shaping education policy to better meet the needs of communities, with a focus on the most vulnerable and marginalized people. Individual grants are provided to a diverse range of organizations to influence global and regional policy frameworks to better enable the realization of the right to equitable and quality education.
Further details on Education Out Loud are available on www.educationoutloud.org