June 2017. The Board of Directors of the Global Partnership for Education approved a grant of US$1.92 million to Somaliland as accelerated financing to support communities affected by the drought in the region.
The grant will support continued access to education opportunities in affected communities through the provision of teacher incentives, teaching and learning materials, temporary learning spaces, school feeding programs and water trucking.
The beneficiaries are an estimated 5,244 primary school students in 35 schools from the vulnerable drought-affected and displaced families living in Marodijeex, Sahil, Togdheer, Gabiley, Awdal, Sool and Sanaag regions.
The project will target 476 teachers with incentives and training on psychosocial support in order to allow students affected by the drought to continue and/or catch up on their education.
The project will also support 212 Community Education Committees, which will be trained to support schools in community mobilization including “Go to School” campaigns. The program will help affected schools meet their immediate and mid-term teaching and learning, feeding, and water needs as well as provide appropriate capacity building to the targeted communities.