Julia McGeown
Education Technical Advisor , Humanity & Inclusion
Julia McGeown

Julia has been the lead Inclusive Education Technical Advisor for Humanity & Inclusion since 2013, where, together with a colleague, she oversees Inclusive Education projects in 30 countries worldwide. She is an active member of the Inclusive Education task group in the International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC), and the Global Campaign for Education UK.

Recent advocacy efforts have included being part of the team working on the “ Costing equity” report looking at equitable financing for disability – inclusive education, recently published by IDDC.  She has also spoken as an expert witness in the International Development Committee enquiry into UKAID’s funding on education, speaking about the importance of the inclusion of children from marginalized groups into mainstream education programmes, particularly children with disabilities. 

She worked as specialist paediatric Speech and Language Therapist for 12 years, mostly in schools (for example in mainstream schools, units and resource bases in the UK and New Zealand), and also worked in Nigeria and Uganda as a teacher trainer, and lecturer for 3 years. After a MSC in International Child Health from UCL, with a focus on disability in development, she developed an interest in Inclusive Education and focuses on forging stronger links between education and rehabilitation, in the IE sector.