ADEA 2022 Triennale
ADEA 2022 Triennale

The 2022 Triennale is structured around Africa’s key priorities of foundational learning, the impact of COVID-19 on the continent’s educational systems in terms of policy and practice responses.

In line with current efforts to build back better resilient education systems for the continent, the objectives cut across four focus areas:

  • Impact of COVID-19 on Africa’s educational systems;
  • Foundational literacy and numeracy;
  • Technical and vocational skills development; and
  • Reimagining Africa’s higher education and scientific research.

Margarita Focas Licht, GPE's acting Deputy Chief Executive Officer, and Ramya Vivekanandan, GPE's Technical lead on quality teaching, will participate in the sessions below:

  1. Lessons learnt in policy and practice from the COVID-19 pandemic and building resilience to sustain Africa’s educational systems
    • October 20: 03:45–05:44 ET/ 07:45–09:44 GMT / 09:45–11:44 CET
  2. Foundational learning (Session 1)
    • October 20: 06:45–08:15 ET/ 10:45–12:15 GMT / 12:45–14:15 CET
  3. Impact of COVID-19 on Africa’s Educational Systems (Session 1)
    • October 20: 06:45–08:15 ET/ 10:45–12:15 GMT / 12:45–14:15 CET

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ADEA 2022 Triennale