Conflict and fragility are important factors to consider
But in thinking through these and other potential solutions, we must also consider country circumstances. Over half of GPE’s funding is directed to countries affected by fragility and conflict and the circumstances of the countries in which the studies were concluded is illustrative.
Three countries included in the study were subject to political unrest, including a military coup, and two others dealt with the turmoil of the Ebola crisis. These are challenging environments for governments to deliver public services, let alone lead education system strengthening.
I commend the report to all GPE partners and I look forward to discussing further its findings. We all need to consider what it means for us individually and collectively as partners of GPE.
At the Secretariat, we are committed to learning and will closely examine the implications for our daily work.
Looking forward, we will distil what we can learn to adjust our approach as we develop the next GPE strategy to embrace the challenges of the coming five years.