Unlocking a World of Riddles
Picture of the Week: Bontu, age 10, regularly borrows books from her local mobile library in Boda, Ethiopia.
June 14, 2013 by GPE Secretariat
2 minutes read
© Katherine Brown / United States

Picture of the week

“For ten-year-old Bontu, reading has unlocked a world of riddles. When she is not fetching water and firewood for her family or helping her mother prepare breakfast for her five siblings, she loves reading and telling riddles. One of her favorites is about an orange: “Two saw the orange, 10 touched it and 32 consumed it, how did this happen?” (The answer: The eyes are the two that saw, the fingers are the ten that touched, and the teeth are the 32 that consumed the orange). Bontu regularly borrows books from her local Literacy Boost Book Bank, a mobile library in her village of Boda, Ethiopia supported by Save the Children. She likes to read with her reading buddy, Kebenu, a 10-year-old boy who lives nearby.”

This picture and essay were submitted to the 2012 Reading Changed My Life Contest by Katherine Brown from the United States.

Take a look at some of the nearly 1,000 photos and videos submitted to the Reading Changed My Life Photo and Video Contest and then get involved in helping children learn and grow.

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