A reward for disadvantaged students in Cambodia
Photo of the week: 14 students in Cambodia's national scholarship program supported by their second grant from the Global Partnership for Education.
March 27, 2015 by GPE Secretariat
2 minutes read
Students in a classroom of the Prek Eng School outside of Phnom Penh in Cambodia (c) GPE/Livia Barton

Last week we visited the Prek Eng School while on mission in Cambodia.  This school is in a rural area of Char Ampov District outside the capital city of Phnom Penh.  A total of 1,958 students currently attend the school for lower and upper secondary grades 7-12.

Prek Eng also has 76 students in Cambodia's national scholarship program which is supported by a US$38.5 million grant from the Global Partnership for Education, the second since 2008. During the visit we met these 14 scholarship students in lower secondary school – nine girls and five boys.  The scholarship program is designed to prioritize poor and disadvantaged children, girls, and those showing promising results on learning assessments. If these children attend school at least 80% of all school days and pass the end-of-year exam they will receive a $60 scholarship. This money will help to pay for school uniforms, notebooks and pens.

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