A new online course for appraising education sector plans

A new online training course, developed in partnership by the UNESCO IIEP and GPE, is available to help strengthen the quality of independent appraisals of education sector plans.

December 13, 2019 by GPE Secretariat
2 minutes read
 Home page of the new online course
Home page of the new online course

Education sector plans help countries set a path towards improved and more equitable learning outcomes and greater equality and inclusion for all.

An independent appraisal of a plan is a crucial step in maximizing its potential to foster change in an education system. An external experts’ perspective can assess the quality of the plan and the process by which it was produced, encouraging the plan’s validation by others and supporting the strengthening of the plan if needed.

A new online training course, developed in partnership by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning and the Global Partnership for Education, is now available to help strengthen the quality of independent appraisals of education sector plans.

Common approach

The new, free online course strives to ensure that independent appraisers of education sector plans and transitional education plans use a common approach to determine whether a plan is credible and likely to deliver the desired results.

Available in English and French, the course is self-paced.  For any independent expert contracted to undertake an independent appraisal, successful completion of the course is a requirement before undertaking an appraisal (unless an expert has already completed a past GPE-IIEP independent appraisal training). 

More broadly, the course is designed for national or international experts interested in the appraisal process, GPE and partner staff, and other members of the educational planning community.

Built upon the GPE-IIEP plan preparation and appraisal guidelines this interactive course features 8 dynamic modules and requires 10 to 15 hours to complete.

Participants can start and complete it at any time.  A variety of self-assessment exercises complements the course.

Participants who successfully complete the training will receive a certificate from IIEP-UNESCO and GPE.

= > Access the course and register

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J'ai suivi ce cours très instructif et m'a renforcé mes capacités. Je suis admis au certificat de ce cours. Ce genre de formation doit se poursuivre constamment. Merci PME/IIPE pour ce cours.

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