A new GPE-IIEP training on the fundamentals of independent appraisal of education sector plans

A self-paced online course on the independent appraisal of education plans is now available through the IIEP-UNESCO Global Campus.

March 04, 2024 by Jimena Pereyra, IIEP/UNESCO, and Arianne Wessal, GPE Secretariat
3 minutes read
Students study on tablets, part of an EdTech program developed by WarChild Holland named ‘Can’t Wait to Learn’, at a school in Djabel Refugee Camp, Eastern Chad. Credit: GPE/Michael Knief/AP
Students study on tablets, part of an EdTech program developed by WarChild Holland named ‘Can’t Wait to Learn’, at a school in Djabel Refugee Camp, Eastern Chad.
Credit: GPE/Michael Knief/AP

This blog was also published by IIEP.

A self-paced online course on the independent appraisal of education plans is now available through the IIEP-UNESCO Global Campus, strengthening and standardizing a process critical to ensuring improved and more equitable learning outcomes for all students.

Experts in educational planning can deepen their understanding of the appraisal process for both education sector plans and transitional education plans and would receive a certificate of successful course completion jointly awarded by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO) and the Global Partnership for Education.

Start the course

The free course, offered in English and French, introduces the key steps and considerations in assessing the soundness and feasibility of an education plan, and the process by which the plan was produced.

This training has recently been updated to reflect the priorities and processes in the GPE 2025 strategic plan and operational model, with a focus on strengthening gender-responsive planning and policy development.

An external and neutral experts’ perspective is crucial for determining whether an education plan is likely to deliver the desired results, as well as for identifying potential challenges or areas requiring improvement.

A fair, independent review that uses a common and consistent methodological approach encourages the plan’s endorsement by partners, and commitment to support its implementation.

Open to all

The course is open to all, including national and international experts interested in the appraisal process, GPE and partner staff, local education groups, and other members of the educational planning community.

For any expert contracted to undertake an independent appraisal, successful completion of the course is a requirement, unless the expert has already completed a past GPE-IIEP appraisal training.

The self-paced, interactive course features eight dynamic modules. It requires roughly 15 to 20 hours, depending on level of experience, and is recommended to complete over a one- to two-week period. Participants can start and complete it at any time.

A variety of self-assessment exercises complements the course.
A variety of self-assessment exercises complements the course. IIEP team members review the exercise submissions and provide written feedback, highlighting strengths and providing notes on how the work could be improved.

How the course is organized

The modules examine guidelines and technical steps for the preparation of both education sector plans and transitional education plans, as well as the characteristics that they both share and the requirements that are specific to each type of plan.

Appraisal guidelines cannot be applied identically in every context and country, and so the course outlines key considerations and guiding questions to consider.

Other modules focus on elements for conducting an appraisal, such as how to review background documentation, completing an appraisal at distance, identifying stakeholders to consult, incorporating feedback, writing an appraisal report, and follow-up once the appraisal is submitted.

Participants will also learn about GPE’s vision and mission, its partners, how it targets its funding, how it supports partner countries in developing an education plan, and details of its quality assurance review processes.

Topics build on each other in each segment, and even the most experienced in educational planning or consulting can learn something new by taking this course.

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