New data reveal a learning crisis that threatens development around the world
According to new data released today by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), 617 million children and adolescents worldwide are not reaching minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics. This signals a learning crisis that could threaten progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
September 21, 2017 by Karen Mundy, UNESCO Institute of Educational Planning, and Silvia Montoya, UNESCO Institute for Statistics
8 minutes read
Students in an outdoor classroom at the Muzu primary school in Malawi. Credit: GPE/Chantal Rigaud
Students in an outdoor classroom at the Muzu primary school in Malawi.
Credit: GPE/Chantal Rigaud

New data released today by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) show that 617 million children and adolescents worldwide are not reaching minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics. This signals a learning crisis that could threaten progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The numbers are vast: the equivalent of three times the population of Brazil being unable to read or handle mathematics with proficiency. Such a waste of human potential tells us that getting children into the classroom is only half the battle. Now the challenge is to ensure that every child in that classroom is learning the basic skills they need in reading and mathematics, as a minimum.

6 out of 10 children and adolescents are not learning a minimum in reading and mathematics

Globally, 6 out of 10 children and adolescents are not learning a minimum in reading and mathematics, according to a new UIS paper. The total – 617 million – includes more than 387 million children of primary school age and 230 million adolescents of lower secondary school age.

This means that more than one half – 56% – of all children won’t achieve minimum proficiency levels by the time they should be completing primary education. The proportion is even higher for adolescents at 61%.  
617 million children and adolescents worldwide are not reaching minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics. Credit: UIS

Sub-Saharan Africa has the single largest number – 202 million – of children and adolescents who are not learning. Across the region, nearly 9 out of 10 kids between the ages of about 6 and 14 will not meet minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics. Central and Southern Asia has the second-highest rate, with 81% or 241 million not learning. The numbers and rates are also high in Western Asia and Northern Africa (46 million or 57% of the school-age population) and Eastern Asia and South-Eastern Asia (78 million or 31%).

The data suggest that the new numbers are rooted in three common problems. First, lack of access, with children who are out of school having little or no chance to reach a minimum proficiency level. Second, a failure to retain every child in school and keep them on track. And third, the issue of education quality and what is happening within the classroom itself.

Most children who are not learning are in school

The new UIS estimates on learning include children and adolescents in school and out. What is most surprising – even alarming – is that two-thirds of the kids who are not learning are in fact in school.

Of the 387 million primary school-age children unable to read proficiently, 262 million (or 68%) are in school. There are also about 137 million adolescents of lower secondary school age unable to read proficiently even though they are in school.  

While the figures are staggering, they show the way forward. We know where these children live and go to school. They are not hidden or isolated from their governments and communities – they are sitting in classrooms with their own aspirations and potential. We can reach these children but not by simply hoping that they stay in school and grasp the basics. We must understand their needs and address the shortcomings of the education currently on offer.

This will require commitment and resources but also a new approach to improving the quality of education. This can only happen with data – which is why the UIS is working so closely with countries and partners like the Global Partnership for Education to help them explore the options and move forward.

About the new data

The new data are the very first to be gathered on progress towards SDG Target 4.1., which requires primary and secondary education that lead to ‘relevant and effective learning outcomes’.

To develop the estimates, the UIS created a new learning outcomes database that anchors the assessment results of more than 160 countries/territories between 1995 and 2015. The database uses two different benchmarks in order reflect the contexts of countries with different income levels. It uses the SACMEQ benchmark (referred to as the basic proficiency level) for reading and mathematics at the primary level.

In addition, the database includes results (presented in the new paper) using the minimum proficiency level defined by the IEA for PIRLS and TIMSS, which are international assessments involving middle- and high-income countries. For the secondary level, the benchmark used by PISA were applied.  

A snapshot of learning worldwide

The new estimates offer a snapshot of the global learning situation and the crises brewing in different regions. Clearly, we are just at the start of a highly technical and political process needed to define the benchmarks and develop the tools needed to monitor and achieve SDG 4. These issues are discussed in the paper and will be more closely explored in upcoming blogs.

But without these new UIS estimates, we would have no clue that so many millions of children are not learning what they need to know, even those who have spent years in school. It is, in essence, a wake-up call for far greater – and urgent – investment in the quality of education. 

This blog was already published by UIS

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An excellent and sobering blog. I recall reading an article in the Comparative Education Review Vol. 59, No. 1 - February 2015 by Nicholas Spaull and Stephen Taylor in which they found similar findings. The title to their study report "Access to What? Creating a Composite Measure of Educational Quantity and Educational Quality for 11 African Countries" reveals similar findings. Not all those in school are learning and this gets worse as children become young people. We need such valid evidence to guide current practice. Access is essential but not enough to achieve the goals.

Am not shocked by the findings in this article. Recently in Kenya, the Minister of Education went round the country to check on public secondary and primary schools and students ahead of major exams. He was shocked to find in one school he visited, the teachers were not present in class. The students themselves did not have books they needed. With no teacher, no books and parents not demanding for better from the schools why would learning take place? Check it out here:



The above are snippets from two locations.

Lecturers at public university in Kenya are currently on strike due to unpaid salaries. Some going up to 1 year working with salary not paid. Surely, how is it expected that a university lecturer will sustain himself and family without pay? Will this lecturer be motivated to impart knowledge to deserving students.



In reply to by Sharon Gatana

Thank you for sharing these videos, which communicate some of the real challenges for Kenya’s education system and raise important questions about service delivery, financing and accountability. GPE is working with the local education group and the government of Kenya to support the government in addressing some of these challenges in the basic education sector. For example, the GPE supported PRIEDE Project is helping 4000 primary schools in Kenya developing school improvement plans. One of the objectives of the plan is to help teachers teach better in classrooms. Along with new textbooks, teacher books and teacher training, the school improvement plans appear to be having a positive impact on teacher attendance and performance. GPE will continue to support Kenya in addressing key challenges through ongoing dialogue and support through the partnership.

These resources provide additional information about some GPE-financed activities in Kenya:………

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