GPE 2025, GPE’s strategic plan for 2021–25, aims to deliver quality education for every child by mobilizing partnerships and investments that transform education systems in partner countries.
GPE produces a yearly results report to provide a comprehensive overview of the partnership’s progress against GPE 2025 goal and objectives.
This second edition discusses results framework data for calendar years 2021 and 2022 and fiscal year 2023 (July 2022 to June 2023).
Overall, the report shows that GPE active grants continue to perform and are financing programs that could accelerate recovery from COVID-19 pandemic shocks while supporting GPE priority areas in partner country education systems. For instance:
- Since the start of GPE 2025, GPE grants have reached 227 million children, representing 35% of all school-age children in 68 countries.
- Between July 2022 and June 2023, implementation grants financed the distribution of 48 million textbooks, the training of 481,000 teachers and the construction or rehabilitation of 6,664 classrooms.
- GPE grants, active as of June 2023, are investing a total of $2.7 billion in various education programs, with teaching and learning as a main investment area (also the focus for 33% of implementation grants); 79% (66 out of 84 grants) are mainstreaming gender equality across activities.
- As of June 2023, the GPE innovative financing mechanisms have raised $1.7 billion in co-financing toward the $2.5 billion target for 2025, and increased to $2 billion by November 2023.
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