Investing in education in Senegal

Photo of the week: Alice Albright, Julia Gillard, and Senegal’s Minister of Education Serigne Mbaye Thiam visit the Bitive Seye 1 Primary School in Tivaoune, Senegal

December 11, 2015 by GPE Secretariat
2 minutes read
Alice Albright, Julia Gillard, and Senegal’s Minister of Education Serigne Mbaye Thiam visit the Bitive Seye 1 Primary School in Tivaoune, Senegal © GPE/Chantal Rigaud

After a productive Board Meeting in Dakar, Global Partnership for Education Board Chair and CEO, Julia Gillard and Alice Albright, spent their last day in Senegal visiting the Bitive Seye 1 Primary School and joining President Macky Sall at the inauguration of the Tivaoune Scientific and Technical Block (BST).

Bitive Seye was recently constructed thanks to a $46.9 million Global Partnership for Education grant which will contribute to the construction of 200 schools in less advantaged areas of Senegal.  The GPE grant funds, in part, the Quality Improvement and Equity of Basic Education Project which aims to support Senegal in improving learning outcomes, school quality and management, and teacher training.

Other program partners include the Senegalese government, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Agence Française de Développement, UNICEF, USAID, World Food Programme, World Bank, and Canadian International Development Agency. 

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