The way forward
Although this report will rightly alarm many, it should also inspire. The report’s recommendations and Framework for Action outline how a range of actors can work at a local, national and global levels to help ensure safe schools are prioritized, invested in, and delivered.
The Framework details how donors, governments, development banks, and international organizations like GPE can help ensure the safety of children and teachers in and around school is prioritized, within bilateral and multilateral financing and national education policies.
It outlines how business can use the technologies, products, influence and expertise at their disposal to support free quality and inclusive education for all - a model of partnership pioneered by the Global Business Coalition for Education.
It describes how NGOs and academia can use piloting programs and improved information sharing to ensure the innovative new education models are tested and the most effective approaches taken to scale. And it details how national governments and local communities will be needed to inform the work of other stakeholders, and ensure the safety of learning environments is considered a priority at every level.
This report inevitably shows the hidden crisis of safe schools to be a formidable challenge. However, it also shows that with concerted effort to ensure all actors with a contribution to make are engaged and active, a brighter future is within our reach: SDG 4 is realized and all children are given the opportunity to contribute to their communities and live the