How Cameroon is strengthening its education system with GPE support
The PAEQUE (Equity and Quality for Improved Learning) program, supported by a GPE grant has achieved promising results in improving the quality of education and promoting equity in Cameroon.
December 13, 2017 by Ludovic Signarbieux, GPE Secretariat
5 minutes read
Primary School in Cameroon. Credit: GPE/Stephan Bachenheimer
Primary School in Cameroon.
Credit: GPE/Stephan Bachenheimer

Access to education in some regions of Cameroon has deteriorated in recent months: the far north has suffered repeated attacks by Boko Haram; refugees from the Central African Republic have flooded into the east; and the English-language regions of the southwest and northwest are mired in a political crisis.

Since 2007, the Global Partnership for Education has been providing support to the education sector in Cameroon, with financing totaling US$100.7 million.  The current program, PAEQUE (Equity and Quality for Improved Learning), focuses primarily on improving the quality of education and promoting equity through specific actions such as:

  1. Improving literacy and numeracy levels. To enable students to acquire a sound basis in reading and mathematics, GPE contributes to the distribution of reading and mathematics textbooks in public schools. More than one million textbooks and teaching guides have been distributed, helping to improve the student/textbook ratio from 12/1 in 2012 to 6/1 in 2017.
  2. Improving teachers’ skills and working conditions. The suspension of the recruitment of primary school teachers in the civil service and the lack of financial resources for education have had a severe impact on the quality of education. Poorly paid or unpaid teachers have deserted the classrooms, forcing some communities to seek out other alternatives, such as the recruitment of community teachers (“maîtres parents”). This practice is very common, particularly in rural areas. However, most of these community teachers have received no pre-service teacher training. To deal with this issue, the government has established a mechanism to facilitate the placement of community teachers under contracts.
  3. The financial support provided by GPE has made it possible to transition 6,000 community teachers into contracts since 2015. The most recent progress report for the program showed that 85% of community teachers in disadvantaged regions have been converted to contractuals. The conversion of another wave of 3,000 teachers is planned for the 2017/18 school year.

    This initiative is combined with training. For example, more than 60,000 teachers have received training in the use of textbooks and teaching guides.

  4. Improving the education monitoring and supervision systems
  5. The entire process of supervision has been reviewed and strengthened to ensure better monitoring of the provision of services in the education sector and to ensure that qualified, trained teachers paid by the government are available in all regions. To this end, training has been organized for the managers of general inspection offices, inspector/coordinators, and the individuals responsible for training community intermediaries such as regional, departmental and arrondissement inspectors, school principals and teachers.

  6. Promoting access to education for girls
  7. In some areas, dominant cultural practices are not very favorable to the education of girls. To increase girls’ enrollment in the various regions of the country, GPE is supporting awareness campaigns that are broadcast on community radio stations in French, English and local languages (Fufulde, Baya, Bamoun and Pidgin). This effort is reinforced by the distribution of school kits for girls containing textbooks and other supplies.

Owing to the PAEQUE advocacy efforts, the Cameroonian government has recently adopted a new textbook reform.

In addition to the results of the PAEQUE program, the support provided by GPE is also promoting a political dialogue on key issues in the education sector, in collaboration with other partners. This is one of the most important contributions that GPE can make: the establishment of a platform for coordination and dialogue between the partners in support of the government’s priorities. 

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Our organization is also active in Cameroon in the North West Region. I would like to know in which areas these interventions are taking place. Most especially if it is in the Anglophone area, how you are dealing with the unsafe environment in the schools. Would love to hear your take on it and also feel free to email me about it!


Juste pour savoir comment une organisation de la société civile peut-elle capter les financements GPE en travaillant dans le domaine de l'éducation?


In reply to by Pascal AHIDJO

Pascal, je vous conseille de regarder cette page, où vous pourrez trouver des réponses sur le soutien du GPE aux organisations de la société civile, par l'intermédiaire du Fonds de la société civile pour l'éducation:

In reply to by Anouk

Thank you, Anouk, for your comment. In Cameroon, the GPE supports interventions across the whole country, focusing in particular on areas that are most disadvantaged, including rural areas. The GPE program is implemented by the Government with support from the World Bank as grant agent.

i teach in the North West Region, precisely in Bamenda. i observe with dismay the crumbling nature of our schools especially in the suburbs due to the Anglophone crisis. i worry about how we can bring back the value of education to those youths who are already off the lane. Education is living.

Comment la pédagogie influence le système éducatif d'un pays précisément le Cameroun ?

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