A Glimpse of the Post-2015 Discussions in Oman
Twitter Highlights from the Global Education for All Meeting in Oman
May 14, 2014 by GPE Secretariat
4 minutes read
A Glimpse of the Post-2015 Discussions in Oman

This week the annual Global Education for All Meeting took place in Oman to focus on building and negotiating targets of a future framework for education beyond year 2015.  The meeting brought together representatives from UNESCO Member States, Ministries of Education, Education for All convening agencies, the Global Partnership for Education, multilateral and bilateral agencies, UN and regional agencies, teachers, civil society, among others. Twitter was buzzing with recent news that youth delegates at the World Youth Conference endorsed the education at the center of any future sustainable development agenda.  Given the importance of the global post-2015 discussions and our views about a stand-alone goal for education, we selected of the top tweets and highlights from the meeting's #GEM2014 Twitter stream. More information on this key meeting can be found here.












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